Florist choice bouquet


Our hand-tied bouquets are made to order, using only the freshest and highest quality flowers. With this option you can leave it up to one of our skilled florists to arrange the best selection of flowers and foliages to create a unique bouquet

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Our hand-tied bouquets are made to order, using only the freshest and highest quality flowers. With this option you can leave it up to one of our skilled florists to arrange the best selection of flowers and foliages to create a unique bouquet

Each design is beautifully wrapped and aqua-packed, before being placed in a gift bag


For next day delivery please order by 2pm the day before. All collections will be from Flower Box St Albans, 23 George Street, AL3 4ES.

Local deliveries are £5.95 in St Albans and further afield are £8.95. Your delivery cost will be calculated at checkout based on the postcode. Please contact us with location queries on 01727 838643

All deliveries are contactless at this time, so please provide your recipients telephone number so that we can contact them to arrange safe delivery if necessary. Strict social distancing measures are being followed so our driver will place the delivery down and then stand 2m back, waiting for them to accept their gift.

Additional information


Standard £50, Medium £60, Large £70, Extra Large £80, Supreme £90, Wow £110


Please note these pictures showcase our standard option. Please note as with all natural products there may be slight variances in colour and images are for colour inspiration only. The joy of Flower Box St Albans is that no two designs are ever the same! If you have specific requirements for your bouquet, please call us to let us know

During checkout you will be able to leave a personalised card message to accompany your bouquet, which will be handwritten by one of the Flower Box team

When you receive your flowers we recommend keeping it topped up with fresh water and then replacing the water and using the flower food provided after a few days and displaying it in a cool room.

Thank you so much for your support during this time!


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